Palmetto Carriage Works

Palmetto Carriage Works Charleston, SC

Equine Veterinarian Weighs In On Horse Care

At Palmetto Carriage Works, we are not immune to criticism. We are constantly conversing with the public and our guests about the treatment and care for our animals–horses, mules, chickens and barn cats alike. And we know that those who are skeptical of our industry have their hearts in the right place. Our four-legged coworkers…

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What Our Guests Say About our Carriage Tours

If you’ve been thinking about taking a carriage tour in Charleston, SC, but aren’t quite sure which company with which to go, we’re sharing a few of the quotes we’ve gotten in the past few months. Lots of companies will tell you how great they are, but it’s always better to take it straight from…

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10 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Horses

At Palmetto Carriage Works, our horses are powerful animals that work diligently. Their strong hindquarters effortlessly propel them through each day and their witty sense is admirable. But what makes these incredible animals so unique? Here are 10 horse fun facts:   For starters, horses have the largest eyes of any land animal. No wonder…

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Featured on TravelMag’s “Top Things to Do in Charleston at Night”

TravelMag recently featured Palmetto Carriage Works in its “Top Things to Do in Charleston At Night” and we’re thrilled to have made the cut. If you’re wondering what to do in our historic city once the sun sets, check out their recommendations here (including an evening carriage tour). One of the most traditional activities to…

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Three Perfect Days in Charleston

It’s no secret that over the past decade, Charleston’s popularity has increased–and not just with the cruise ship tourists. Bloggers, foodies, fashionistas and entrepreneurs the world over have stopped in to the Lowcountry to see the historic sites, eat our world-renowned cuisine and they might even stay awhile. But if you find yourself planning a…

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Life in Retirement: Loretta’s New Chapter

Have you ever wondered about a carriage horse’s retirement? Here’s the perfect example. Loretta was a company-wide favorite horse and worked with us for many years. We’ve gotten permission to share this lovely update from her new owners in Maine, who are enjoying her tremendously. We are incredibly proud of our animals and the impact…

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The Domestication of Horses: A Brief History

We’ve all seen those vintage cowboy movies. There are wild horses running freely and all of a sudden, a hero-type jumps in, ropes her neck and begins the breaking process. Soon, the horse is eating out of his hand and maybe coming to his rescue. But how did the domestication of horses really happen? Here’s…

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Horse Hygiene Quick Facts

All equine lovers know that maintaining healthy, happy horses and mules is not an easy task. It not only requires a lot of horseshoes and shampoo, but a lot of love! Here are a few quick horse hygiene facts that you may not know about Palmetto Carriage Works. Currently, we have 32 horses and 10…

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Historic Charleston Sites You’re Likely to See on our Carriage Tour

Charleston is full of historic sites that you might pass by and never know the significance they carry. When you climb aboard one of our carriages, driven by one our licensed tour guides and pulled by our beautiful horses and mules, here are some of those historic Charleston sites you are likely to see (depending…

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Top 5 Charleston Moments from 2018

Our city’s history is dense, but 2018 proved to be a great one. Here are the top five Charleston moments from 2018 in New Year’s Eve countdown fashion: Charleston issued over 5,000 wedding licenses last year! Weddings continue to be a huge staple of our economy and we enjoy it, too. Check out this great…

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